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You can find source code at our github repo:

If you find any issue or have any question, please submit an issue here: Thank you.


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Cite the browser

If you used the browser in your research, please help us by citing the following paper(s):

(the original browser paper)

Daofeng Li, Silas Hsu, Deepak Purushotham, Renee L Sears, Ting Wang, WashU Epigenome Browser update, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 47, Issue W1, 02 July 2019, Pages W158–W165, [PMID: 31165883].

(2022 update)

Daofeng Li, Deepak Purushotham, Jessica K Harrison, Silas Hsu, Xiaoyu Zhuo, Changxu Fan, Shane Liu, Vincent Xu, Samuel Chen, Jason Xu, Shinyi Ouyang, Angela S Wu, Ting Wang, WashU Epigenome Browser update 2022, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 50, Issue W1, 5 July 2022, Pages W774–W781, [PMID: 35412637].

(3D browser)

Daofeng Li, Jessica K. Harrison, Deepak Purushotham & Ting Wang, Exploring genomic data coupled with 3D chromatin structures using the WashU Epigenome Browser, Nature Methods volume 19, pages 909–910 (2022) [PMID: 35864166].

Zhuo, Xiaoyu, Silas Hsu, Deepak Purushotham, Prashant K. Kuntala, Jessica K. Harrison, Alan Y. Du, Samuel Chen, Daofeng Li, and Ting Wang. Comparing Genomic and Epigenomic Features across Species Using the WashU Comparative Epigenome Browser, Genome Research, May 8, 2023, gr.277550.122.

(Comparative browser paper)