Add a new genome

Here we will use mouse mm10 for example to illustate how to add a new genome build to the Browser.

Prepare genome sequence file

The browser expect genome sequence file in the 2bit file developed by UCSC, for mouse mm10, you can get it from, after download the 2bit file, you will need put the 2bit file on a web place with CORS access.

Create the folder for genome configuration files

Create a folder called mm10 under frontend/src/model/genomes, now all the files listed below should be placed under this new mm10 folder.

Get cytoband file

Download the cytoband information from, unzip it, run the following command to get a file called cytoBand.json:

node frontend/src/model/genomes/cytobandTextToJson.js cytoBandIdeo.txt

Prepare annotation annotation tracks

In the mm10 folder, create a file called annotationTracks.json with following content:

    "Ruler": [
            "type": "ruler",
            "label": "Ruler",
            "name": "Ruler"
    "Genes": [
            "name": "refGene",
            "label": "RefSeq genes",
            "filetype": "geneAnnotation"
            "name": "gencodeM19",
            "label": "GENCODE M19 genes",
            "options": {
                "categoryColors": {
                    "coding": "rgb(0,60,179)",
                    "nonCoding": "rgb(0,128,0)",
                    "pseudogene": "rgb(230,0,172)",
                    "problem": "rgb(255,0,0)",
                    "polyA": "rgb(0,0,51)"
            "filetype": "geneAnnotation"
            "name": "gencodeM19Basic",
            "label": "GENCODE M19 genes (basic set)",
            "options": {
                "categoryColors": {
                    "coding": "rgb(0,60,179)",
                    "nonCoding": "rgb(0,128,0)",
                    "pseudogene": "rgb(230,0,172)",
                    "problem": "rgb(255,0,0)",
                    "polyA": "rgb(0,0,51)"
            "filetype": "geneAnnotation"
    "RepeatMasker": {
        "All Repeats": [
                "name": "rmsk_all",
                "label": "RepeatMasker",
                "filetype": "repeatmasker",
                "url": "",
                "height": 30
    "Genome Comparison": [
            "name": "hg38tomm10",
            "label": "Human hg38 to mm10 blastz",
            "querygenome": "hg38",
            "filetype": "genomealign",
            "url": ""

Get chromosome sizes

Download the file from, you can following awk command to create the chromSize.json file:

sort -V mm10.chrom.sizes | awk 'BEGIN{ORS="";print "["}{sep=NR==1?"\n":",\n"; print sep"\t{\"chr\": \""$1"\", \"size\": "$2"}"}END{print "\n]"}' > chromSize.json

Move the chromSize.json file into the mm10 folder.

Create genome configuration file

Create a file called mm10.js, filling the following contents:

import Chromosome from '../Chromosome';
import Genome from '../Genome';
import TrackModel from '../../TrackModel';
import cytobands from './cytoBand.json';
import annotationTracks from "./annotationTracks.json";
import chromSize from "./chromSize.json";

const allSize = => new Chromosome(genom.chr, genom.size));
const genome = new Genome("mm10", allSize);

const navContext = genome.makeNavContext();
const defaultRegion = navContext.parse("chr6:52425276-52425961");
const defaultTracks = [
    new TrackModel({
        type: "geneAnnotation",
        name: "refGene",
        genome: "mm10",
    new TrackModel({
        type: "geneAnnotation",
        name: "gencodeM19Basic",
        genome: "mm10",
    new TrackModel({
        type: "ruler",
        name: "Ruler",
    new TrackModel({
        type: 'repeatmasker',
        name: 'RepeatMasker',
        url: '',

const publicHubData = {
    "4D Nucleome Network": "The 4D Nucleome Network aims to understand the principles underlying nuclear " +
    "organization in space and time, the role nuclear organization plays in gene expression and cellular function, " +
    "and how changes in nuclear organization affect normal development as well as various diseases.  The program is " +
    "developing novel tools to explore the dynamic nuclear architecture and its role in gene expression programs, " +
    "models to examine the relationship between nuclear organization and function, and reference maps of nuclear" +
    "architecture in a variety of cells and tissues as a community resource.",
    "Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)": "The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium is an " +
        "international collaboration of research groups funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute " +
        "(NHGRI). The goal of ENCODE is to build a comprehensive parts list of functional elements in the human " +
        "genome, including elements that act at the protein and RNA levels, and regulatory elements that control " +
        "cells and circumstances in which a gene is active.",

const publicHubList = [
        collection: "4D Nucleome Network",
        name: "4DN HiC datasets",
        numTracks: 23,
        oldHubFormat: false,
        url: "",
        description: {
            'hub built by': 'Daofeng Li (',
            'hub built date': 'Sep 1 2018',
            'hub built notes': 'metadata information are obtained directly from 4DN data portal'

const MM10 = {
    genome: genome,
    navContext: navContext,
    cytobands: cytobands,
    defaultRegion: defaultRegion,
    defaultTracks: defaultTracks,
    twoBitURL: "",

export default MM10;


This variable controls the default region when you open the browser for mm10.


This variable controls default tracks when you open the browser for mm10.


The field contains a list of public hubs.

Add the new genome to the system

Modify frontend/src/model/genomes/allGenomes.ts:

import MM10 from './mm10/mm10';

Include MM10 to allGenomes variable:

const allGenomes = [

In variable treeOfLife add the entry for mm10:

mouse: {
    logoUrl: '',
    assemblies: [ MM10.genome.getName() ],
    color: 'white',


one species can have many assemblies, you can also include mm9 in the assemblies array.

Save all the edits, restart the browser (or recompile) you can see the new added genome assembly.